Thursday 23 September 2021

Towards Zero.

Oh, I enjoyed this one, found myself whizzing through this Agatha Christie, losing track of my day off and actually forgetting about all the things I had planned to do, as I wondered through this tight Christie narrative wondering what waited for the reader as we moved towards zero point and beyond. It is beautifully foreshadowed by this piece of dialogue by the character Mr Treeves; " I like a good detective story" he said" But, you know, they begin in the wrong place! They begin with the murder. But the murder is the end! the story beginning long before that.   Years before sometimes With all the causes and events that bring certain people to a certain place on a certain time on a certain day..all conveying towards a given spot...and then when the time comes..over the top! Zero hour. Yes, all of them converging towards zero..."
              He repeated "Towards zero,"
              It is Agatha Christie exploring how she constructs a narrative, as she would every now and again. Exploring ways of reaching towards that point and bringing her readers along with her.  And proving enormously successful at it, as the decades past have proven, as her ouvre remains constantly in print.  She really was the mistress of suspense, able to make that journey towards zero point so compelling.  Again and again, taking her readers on a mystery walk.  Doing it again with this book, with past events the prelude to murder. As events wind their way down the thorny path to the present. 
             And what a wonderful coincidence played itself out before my eyes. A lovely wee bit of serendipity.(Lovely word that.) I put the telly on to discover an adaption of Towards Zero was being broadcast. i had no idea it was actually on, just a nice bit of timing.on my part. They had taken some liberties with this adaption, probably in order to make it more palatable for a mainstream audience. It is transformed into a Ms Marple story, which is a bit odd, as there is no Poirot or Marple in the original text.  Poirot gets a mention, his genius referenced by a character. a further delight for me with this adaption was the character of Mr Treeves being played by none other than the lovely Tom baker! On form too, wonderfully capturing the world weary and tired essence of the character, a man who has stared too long into dark places, who it is said; "knows more of back stairs history than any man in England. Sadly, for him, he knows too much.
             Geraldine Mc Ewan plays Ms Marple, in wingless twittering bird fashion. Each actress, as one would expect, brings much of her own thing to the role. 
             I love them all but I do have a favourite.
             But that is between me and dear Jane.