Thursday 23 September 2021

Reality and Other Stories.

 Was intrigued enough by a comment I read on this collection of short stories by John Lancaster to want to read it and I am glad I did. It is an anthology of "modern" ghost stories or rather eight tales sunk in modernity playing with themes of the rum and uncanny. it is quite a modern collection in that all eight tales are rooted in modernity even though  the stories owe quite a bit to much older traditions of story telling. And though the twists in these tales involve curios such as haunted kindle devices (One of the stronger if not strongest stories.) you can feel the influences brought to bear from older voices such as MR James or Henry James. These are great sources too, why shy away?

              An enjoyable collection where no story outstays its welcome. A quick read to be sure and nothing speaks of modernity more than brevity. Its the sign of the times rather than a sign of the times.