Saturday 27 August 2022

Mary Shelley's Child.

Was tidying my bookroom and found myself distracted once again by the otherworldly genius of Mary Shelley. Probably a good reason for book collectors to get other people to tidy up for them. But then one would miss precious moments of reconnection with texts one had read and shelved. Its the closest thing to "keeping it real" a reader can get. Two hundred years and counting. This remarkable book still resonates today.Rewatching Alien Covenant and Prometheus I saw parrellels in the text, about notions of creation and how much responsibility the creator must take on board for the actions of his creation. Is the murderous rampage the Being goes on as much his creator's fault as its own. Are the gun maker and the gun seller as culpable as the gun user? A horrible question born out of horrible events, is it too much to wish for a less horrible answer?