Tuesday 8 June 2021

Son Of Rosemary.

Talk about your bad pennies. You only just meet the Son of Satan as a baby and then you bump into him once more, only this time he is a fully grown man, and boy has he grown. Once in a lifetime,eh, from the cradle to the grave. A grave as wide as the world. Sounds like hoop-la, off course, but when you are writing about the presence of an Anti-Christ, you can. 
             This sequel to Rosemary's Baby begins in 1999, with poor Rosemary awakening from a decades long coma. A long sleep induced by the witches coven which caused her to get pregnant with the devil's baby. After the death of the final member of the coven the spell is broken , Rosemary is able to sit up and step into a very different world from the one she fell asleep in. While she lay in a long term care facility her child Andy grew to manhood, raised by her neighbors Minnie and Roman, with her son taking their surname; Andy Castavet. he has become the figurehead of a world famous international charitable organisation. Hmmm, the head of a world famous charitable foundation which is suspected of having less honorable intentions for mankind, where on Earth do they get these ideas?
              Anyway, when the identity of the awakened coma patient is made known to the world Rosemary is instantly propelled to international fame and celebrity. Mother and son are reunited and Andy convinces his mother he takes more after her than his pa. He truly believes himself to be a force for good in the world but he is after all the offspring of the prince Of Lies. Rosemary wants to believe. Andy wants to believe. We, the reader, are lust along for the ride. 
               Charismatic and charming, Andy at 33 is a fine young man, all his mother could hope him to be, but at her core lurks the fear and the suspicion that he might well be all his father could wish him to be. Ira Levin has been a highly successful and influential writer, one wonders why the rights to this very engaging sequel were not snapped up for a movie or perhaps a lenghty mini series that will allow the story to breathe. The subject matter would certainly lend itself to many interpretations..
                 Some might say legion...