Saturday 17 November 2018

Jack Lo Squartatore.

Look what turned up in atomic collectables. You never know what Jim is going to turn up. It is a British black and white movie from 1959, a movie with a script based on the Jack The Ripper theory by the Australian journalist and Labour politician Leonard Matters(1881-1951.) who had the idea that the Ripper was an avenging doctor. While the film itself borrows heavily from the then recent Hammer films of that era; The Curse Of Frankenstein 1957 and Dracula 1958, using the historic trope of portraying the Ripper as an opera cape and top hat wearing Dandy. Just check out that lurid cover and remember this movie is set in the Victorian Era and not some remote motel in sixties California.
             The movie is a "whodunnit" with the least telegraphed character being revealed as the killer., a murderous surgeon who pitilessly dispatches his victims, women of bad character according to insane view of the times he lives in. He blames them for the loss of his son, Matters theory suggested the son died of a venereal disease passed on to him during contact with one of these women, a woman named Mary Clarke. The movie goes for the equally depressing notion the son drowned himself upon learning the great love of his life was a lady of the night. Possibly also a more palatable reason for movie audiences of that era who moral qualms aside were comfortable enough seeing innocent women dispatched at knife point.
             I must have seen this movie as a boy late one night on Etna drive. I remembered the ending with a degree of unease and suddenly knew now why I am always nervous in lifts.