Saturday 10 December 2022

Ghost Story For Christmas

Look what Big Finish are bringing to the Festive Feast of Christmas this year. I am constantly surprised by the Big Finish Torchwood stories. Again and again they have delivered top notch dramas, mostly quite disturbing and always inventive. Imagine a line of audio stories where the series producer was Robert Aickman and that might indicate the unsettling nature of some of the work. A story may start with something as inoccuos as a cofee cup sitting in an unusual place and it degenerates into a terrifying tale of duplicity and alien incursions. And much as I enjoy the breadth and range of the various character driven tales I do have a fondness for the Queen Victoria stories. In the Doctor Who continuity it was Queen Victoria who sets up Torchwood so it is entirely fitting that she should champion some of the series most startling episodes. They really are that good and worth sekking out.And I shall be seeking out this yuletide treat.