Saturday 10 December 2022

Cybermen The Stuff Of Nightmares.

In the Ninth Doctor Episode Dalek The Doctor came across the head of a Cyberman on display in a glass case in the warehouse of demented billionaire ( Are there any other kind?)Von Statten. It was a nod to previous encounters, a slight foreshadowing of horrors yet to come and a reminder this was still the show we grew up with. "The stuff Of Nightmares" was how he enigmatically described them. Mind you this Doctor could talk about marmalade and make it sound enigmatic. He was quite right. The Cybermen, their history and their twisted evolution is truly the stuff of nightmares and a notion that should serve as a cautionary tale for those attempting to expand their existance beyond all reason. Dig out this old issue of the superlative Fortean Times to learn more. There you go; your mission should you choose to accept it is to track this issue down, in whatever way you might. Mind you, no cheating, use of time vechiles would not be playing ball. Think of the temporal displacement for one thing....
( With special thanks to the marvelous Joanne for use of her Jodie cosplay. Tag, shes it!)