Tuesday 21 November 2023

Radio Times.

In Time Honoured( Er, should that be Timey -Whimey..?)tradition the Radio Times forewarns us that it is not just some wishfullfilment by Doctor Who fans hungry for new Who, it is on its way onto television once more, beamed directly into your home. Back where it belongs on a Saturday night. Its real, its happening, and it is almost here. I read my issue of the Radio Times this morning and as excited as I am by all the new stuff, it is the interview with Tom Baker which really surprised and engaged me. Eighty Nine years of age and he still surprises, amuses and baffles. It was the most incredible alchemy which came together to give Tom Baker and the role he is most readily identified with. Although his best role is actually being Tom Baker himself: The Philosopher's Funny Bone.