Saturday, 14 November 2015

Its All Fun And Games.

Did some work for Outsider Games, a wee comic strip with art by PJ Holden, a preview for their Wailing Heights, an ambitious interactive game from the creative cauldrons that are the minds of Stephen Downey and Kevin Beimers (just check out their production blog at for yourself). It is always a blast to work with the intensely loveable PJ. The man has a personality that travels well. Just ask some of his comic fans as far away as China and Hollywood(, Bangor, County Down.)
             A new musical form is born in this story. A Barber Shop Quartet and Rap Mix.
             Unquestionably masculine harmonies and narcissistic self aggrandizing  poems about how important the person expressing themselves are and how pointless every one else is.
              The spirit of the age done in a retro-stylee.