Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Doctor Who Wonderland.

Paul Margs is a clever fellow and he cares a lot about what he brings into the world. At least that is the impression this reader gets from reading various bits and pieces by the man over the years, adding beautifully to the pantheon of lovely things in the world (Iris Wildthyme and Panda for one and Brenda The Bride on the other.) All that knowledge and warmth permeate this book. His familiarity with this particular Tardis team shines through as does his knowledge regarding all things Alice. At first glance I thought "Oh hes missed a trick here. The fourth Doctor would be better suited to a trip to wonderland." I have always thought a grinning Tom Baker had a cheshire cat quality about him. Like the cat I could see him fade from sight until only that toothy grin remained. But this incarnation was an inspired choice for a confrontation with the bizarre inhabitants of Lewis Carroll's dreamworld. For the material has a dreamlike quality to it and the quietly studious character of the fifth incarnation was a welcome anchor and a trustworthy guide, even something of an anchor to reality , what with all the mad figures of Dodgson's book. Mr Baker might have giggled while tumbling down the rabbithole of Wonderland. As well as the curious, ahem, goings on in Wonderland, we also get to see some of the impact it had on the life of Alice Liddell, the inspiration for Alice in the book. With her documented and factual visit to America to recieve an honourary doctorate. The concept did not always sit well with her but she eventually comes to a better understanding of the notion of a fictional Alice and an equally fictional Wonderland. And just look at that cover! I could not help imaginning what it might ahve been like to have been a friend of J RR Tolkien and hear him tell the world he based Gollum on you. Precious does not even cover it.