Saturday 4 June 2022

Sam Witwer.

Listened to a really compelling analysis of the Star Wars Obi-wan vs Darth Maul light sabre duel in the episode Twin Suns of Star Wars Rebels canon. It is easily one of my best remembered moments of the whole canon and deserves to be viewed as such.And this was before I had had the opportunity to listen to the actor Sam Witwer's take on that epic duel. He should know, after all, he played Darth Maul in that series. He is a compelling orator, really knows his stuff and invested a lot in his performance as one of the great characters in the saga of The Skywalkers.And damn it, hes easy on the eye to boot.A veritable handsome devil in a sunday bonnet. His explanation for the confrontation between these two great enemies is almost as engaging as the actual sequence of events. They approached this moment in the saga with an eye for detail and a deep understanding of the many forces that brought these two characters to this showdown in the desert beneath the twin suns of the title. There is not a wasted frame, not a lost blink in the eyes of the two proponents. Destinies dove tail into a quiet sweep, cut and thrust that takes a road not traveled in the history of the show. The roots of these two warriors differences marry the forces that shaped the Star Wars saga up to this point and at its conclusion new possibilities emerge from the dust of dueling fates. Maul makes a serious mistake when he assumes Obi-Wan to be a shattered version of the character who sliced him in half on Naboo. He thinks him a snivelling coward, a fallen knight hiding from his former dity as a Jedi Knight. He fails to see the higher stakes his opponent plays for. The protection of the Chosen One. Its a mistake he pays the ultimate price for but it is so much better to hear the unfolding off it from the man who played him. He speaks so well, with an easy authority and confidence that many of the onscreen Jedi lacked. Check any of his interviews on the topic out on line. They are easy to find and unfold with a mythic respectfullness for the material that will have you searching out a DVD of Rebels.