Saturday 23 April 2022

Sherlock Holmes And Revenge From The Grave.

Moriarity was dead to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that...or is there? After all, if Holmes could somehow survive the maelstrom of The Richebach Falls then surely there exists the merest possibility The Napoleon of Crime could also do so. Emerging, no matter how badly injured from the cauldron of boiling water and rocks to once more plague the world. Well thats the premis of this book and the clues in the title I suppose. It is probably not the only book to suggest that the confrontation at The Richenbach Falls was not the final end for both characters. There are so many Holmes stories produced all over the world it is most likely a subject that has been touched on before. I have been lucky enough to read a number of them and have yet to find one that flat out does not work. The subject matter being so beloved and respected that eveyone rises to the occasion. Even cross over books work where Holmes and Watson meet other fictional characters or historical figures and real world events. Within reason off course. Occasionally the television series almost jumped the shark, for me, especially when they tried to marry that brilliant mind and the process which drove it to, social media or the hand held dvices through which we ourselves access and use it. I suspect that were that reasoning machine that existed between Sherlock's ears applied to social media access the results would be something we have not as yet realised could be accomplished. This one I liked a lot. Holmes really is on the edge for much of it and thus is at his very best. Hunted and hounded by a foe he thought vanquished, at the mercy of villans who thrive in such scenarios, where wickedness and cruelty are as mothers milk and not a drop of mercy is to be found. Yet while Holmes may have many foes he also has many friends and is never more fearful than when he appears beaten down.In this quite epic yarn a complex spider's web is wove around him and he must keep moving before the one who spun that web is to devour him. And Holmes must determine which side of the grave his tormentor is weaving this death trap from.It would not be a Holmes story without a few red herrings and twists and turns aboynd in this story along with a few compelling cliff hangers. I think it is safe to assume if one does not see Conan Doyles name on the cover then what you are reading, no matter how good or bad, will ever be considered canon but surely a cultural icon like Sherlock Holmes transcends such limiting notions. Or does he not ?Not being Canon should not deter the curious. My beloved Doctor Who has a vast timey whimey canon that contradicts and constantly trips attempts to lend it some linear logic. Fortunately it has a very handy and beautifully explanatory built in get out of jail free card; We love it too much to ever castigate it unneccesarily.