Wednesday 12 August 2020

War Master; Anti-Genesis.

Off all the incarnations of The Master this itteration is the one most likely to take that step, to do something even The Daleks in all their marinated malice shied back from doing.And there are things too terrible even for them...Which is where this story just begins. It was off course The Time Lords who fired the first shot in what was to become known as The Time War. Sending The Doctor back in time , snatching him, Harry and sarah Jane mid trans mat between Nerva Beacon and the future Earth, to deposit them on the edge of a minefield on war ravaged Skaro.  in doing so they probably made the Daleks even more demented in their hatred for all things other than Dalek. Because of this misguided attempt to make the universe a safer place they set in motion events which would shake the very firmament.
              The best laid plans of mice, men and Timelords Gang aft agley, as they say.
              This is a bold story decision by Big Finish. Not just to revisit a classic story , which for many was the very high point of the original series. only The Master would take things this far. Not just to affect the genetic evolution of The Daleks but to steer them in a particular way, to tame the beast and direct it. And while at first things do indeed appear to be going the way he desired things do indeed go pretty disastrously awry. The hubris on display is satanic.
               Pluck at the threads of any vast tapestry and no matter how intrically woven it might appear it will begin to unravel. Derek Jacobi's interpretation is so arch, so spot on in Machivellian terms that he often dominates any scene he is in to the point where his is the only voice in the room, quite magnificent actually. A true fallen angel with all the terrifying connotations that implies. Narvin has also become one of the very best supporting characters, easily holding his own.
               There has been a long standing tradition in the canon of Doctor Who when a incarnation of The Doctor turns up he can expect a helping hand. When it happens to The Master, when two of his own incarnations find themselves in the same room, he better watch his back.
               Both of them.