Thursday, 10 January 2013

Noe The Savage Signing

Here's a four page preview of some of Stephen Downey's art work
for Noe The Savage Boy#1 from Atomic Diner. How sweet are they.
Stephen immersed himself, as it's possible for one so perfectly formed,
in a former world long passed to get the right tone for the story of Noe
and his family. Without a Tardis, visiting 16th century Cork is no more
possible than a quick trip to the floating mountains of Pandora but his vision
of that long ago Ireland has a certain truth.
We will be having a signing to launch the first issue of Noe on Saturday the 9th
of February at the Forbidden Planet International store in Ann Street Belfast.
Come along between the hours of 1 and 3 in the afternoon and be asssured of
a most cordial welcome. Stephen Downey, Rob Curley and myself extend an
open invitation to all lovers of good comic books everywhere.
See you there.